Consultancy in submitting EU bids
When you do not want to get lost when preparing your bid for the call for tender you are interested in, we can offer consultancy in submitting EU bids.
We do have 20 years of experience and we also master several EU languages such as English, French, German as well as Dutch.
You can expect very specific consultancy on: the pre bidding phase, the bidding phase and the GO/NO GO decision
Consultancy on the pre bidding phase
- You can use this period to start preparing your dossier.
The bidding process is always the same; in order to save time you can already make your preparations by checking and filling the relevant papers that will be requested. The more urgent it will be in case when the actual call for tender has not been published yet, but the contracting authority has published a so called ‘prior information notice’ (PIN). Such a PIN announces that the call for tender will be published shortly. After such an information notice the delai for submitting bids can, and normally will, be shortened.
Consultancy on the bidding phase
This is the phase after the publication of a tendernotice and starts with the:
- GO/NO GO DECISION (do we or do we not submit a bid?)
Analysis of the tenderdocuments shortly after the bid is open in order to come to a go/no go decision to submit a bid or not. Submitting bids poses a huge claim on your internal resources and a quick scan can make clear whether the efforts for making a bid are reasonable and to be sure that no ‘knock-out criteria’ are applicable.
- GO DECISSION LEADS TO KICK OFF: Information and questions round
The tenderer has just a limited time span to ask questions and clearifications on the tenderdocuments and the request for proposal (RfP). The first ánd important thing to be done will be drafting a set of questions which needs to be asked in order to make sure that we really understand the contracting authority’s wishes and needs. This information round might be crucial ! Do not underestimate its importance !
In the meanwhile we start preparing the bid and we can assist you in several aspects of the bidding process according to your needs:
- Surveillance of the tendering process cq deadlines by setting up a process control mechanism and a time schedule ( is every body doing what needs to be done and on time)
- Compose tenderstrategy
- Draft or develop qualification file (in order to be selected as a ‘reliable’ supplier)
- Review texts of the bid
- Check coherence and format of bid
- Act as an intermediary to the contracting authorities
- Mediate in problems such as using improper procedures, deadlines, national technical specifications etc.
This supervision is carried out by a senior consultant with over 20 years experience in this field. The consultancy is delivered remotely through email and telephone. In consultation with the client exact agreements are made regarding the consultancy offered and the costst. You will receive a specified quote.